
So I was watching a House today (pretty common occurrence) and the patient was a blogger who was constantly blogging about everything in her life to the point where her boyfriend was getting upset about the fact that nothing they said was private. She would post absolutely everything in her life. It was the show’s way of making fun of the overzealous bloggers out there and showing the pitfalls of the modern age.

Funny enough, that ridiculous, melodramatic episode made me wanna blog. Should it have deterred me from the whole concept? Almost definitely. Has the whole idea of blogging become this super post-modern, individualistic medium that’s very self-focused? Probably. But there’s something satisfying about writing something that other people can get something out of. Will I be posting life-changing ideas that shake people out of the complacency of their current auto-pilot life choices? Probably not. But isn’t trying worth it?  These are the questions I have been asking myself.  So I’m gonna start blogging about epiphanies and stuff I’ve learned for people to take and do what they will with. It’s probably gonna be a lot about gear, which I’ll start covering in the next post, but hopefully also about just life lessons I’ve learned as well. So….fun. I have a blog.

-Paul T Anderberg

~ by Paul Anderberg on October 13, 2010.

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